
A space dedicated to discussion of my creative endeavors; be they commercials, features, short films, music videos, or other art forms. 

The Art of Editing

I've been working as an editor on movies for 17 years now and one of the most common questions I get from people who don't work in film is: "What exactly does the editor do?"

Well, I'd say my primary job is to unfold the story in an entertaining, engaging manner for the audience.  This is comprised of countless details and decisions.  If this shot lingers just a little more, it will allow the audience a moment of reflection to really be there with our protagonist and empathize with what they are feeling.  If this shot is just a little shorter and is moved after this one; it tells this story point in shorthand in a scene that is necessary for the overall plot, but not engaging in and of itself.  This actor's reaction isn't the most genuine so perhaps favoring the other actor in the scene will keep the audience more suspended in the reality of the film.  You get the idea.  

Check out this awesome video I came across that illustrates these points in a really fun way.

If you are curious to read more about the art of editing from some of my peers, check out this article.  

Desert Dwellers Live Experience Video

I can finally share this fun video for the band Desert Dwellers' live experience!

Working with my friends Amani and Treavor is always a treat.  Had a quick turnaround on this video, and am quite pleased with how it turned out.

Desert Dwellers Live Experience features artistic director Tammy FireFly, vocalist Meagan Chandler, violinist HÄANA, percussionist Sahuna Love, and many more incredible performers. Catch us this Sunday at Symbiosis Gathering!  With video contributions from Aaron Cyrus Dorr, Michael Daniel at Euphoric.Net, and others.



Deya Dova - Return of the Bird Tribes Music Video

I just finished working on this music video for the Australian band, Deya Dova.  It was shot by director, Johann Wolf and produced by Eka Darville.  They shot in some challenging, no scratch that; grueling conditions out on a dry lake bed in massive sand storms during the Burning Man Festival.   It was a fun challenge to put together a video that contrasted the harshness and alien like quality of the desert with the lush and vibrant natural world while staying true to the band's intention of showcasing their message of the song's intent.  On this one, I was a one man band as well, handling all of the VFX work, color correction, and  conform.  I'm quite happy with the results.  It is truly something different.  Enjoy!

Run Away Success with the Soylent Crowdfunding Project

I co-produced, edited and co-directed the crowdfunding campaign video for the insanely successful Soylent food replacement product with Abram Cox.  Along with our producing partner, Derek Beumer, we met the creators of Soylent, Rob Rhinehart and David Renteln one Saturday morning for breakfast in Santa Monica to discuss the possibility of creating their Kickstarter campaign video with them.  It didn't take more than a couple of minutes to see that we were all on the same page, with creative ideas being thrown around the table about how to most effectively present their product to potential customers/supporters.  

     We were fascinated by the fact that Rob had in fact been living off a prototype of the product for the past five months and was healthier than ever based on bloodwork.  He told us that he had grown tired of feeling the detrimental effects on his body from living off of Ramen and Quesadillas while working a demanding schedule on a start up business.  So he did some research and developed a chemical formula for a product that has all the nutrients the body needs in a fast, non-perishable format.

    We could also clearly see the potential that the product had for helping to improve lives in developing parts of the world where malnutrition is still an unfortunate fact of life.  One key aspect of the world hunger issue truly stood out in our discussion: World hunger is not a food shortage issue, but rather an issue of cost of distribution coupled with the perishable nature of the foods we eat.  If Soylent could be brought to market sucessully, it really could play a massive role in bettering the lives of countless people since it has a very long shelf-life and can be distributed easily to the places where people need it most.        

     About half-way through breakfast, we started to discuss schedules in addition to script ideas, and it became clear that we needed to dive in right then and there since they were headed out of town the next morning and were coming back on a day that we had been already been booked on another project.   We nailed the concept down and opted to shoot them in front of a green screen using our own gear, with a plan to meet up at Abram's flat in Hollywood in an hour and a half... just enough time for me to run home, and grab my green screen, lighting gear, camera and sound equipment in a mad dash (thankfully my battery-charging-fu had been strong after our previous shoot).  

Rob and David on set for the Soylent Crowdfunding video

Rob and David on set for the Soylent Crowdfunding video

     We literally were on set, shooting 3 hours after our first meeting, making it happen.  Since there would be no time before their launch date for pickups, we shot our coverage generously to ensure that we had all we needed.  The shoot was a success and the Rob and David were able to concisely and emphatically state their case.  But what the video needed was something to spice it up and really make it feel like the groundbreaking, "this is the future, today" product that it was, and that is where the idea of intermixing stock footage with futuristic graphics came into play in post production.  We settled on a purchasing a graphical template that left room for customization as a smart starting place since there was not enough time for building it up from scratch before their launch.  What came next blew us all away.  The project met its funding goal of $100,000 in the first 3 hours after it went live.  It was truly a run-away success.  We couldn't be happier to have been a part of the team that brought this unique product into existence.  Over the next month, it went on to raise $754,498.  

Spirit Cats Kickstarter Project

I made this video for my lovely wife, Nicole's wildly successful Kickstarter campaign which is currently about half way through its month of fundraising.  (I'll take the opportunity to say if you haven't ordered one, please do as they are a work of art and make great gifts)  We were elated that the campaign surpassed its goal in the first day!  Currently, with about 2 weeks to go it's still going strong at 230% funded.  I shot on a canon dslr and a blackmagic pocket for this video and did post in Avid Media Composer.  I created one of the key elements in Flixel's cinemagraph pro.  The cinemagraph really helped to sell the mock-up by adding some live action elements to the composite shot of a card deck that did not exist yet.  You can see it at 2 minutes and 50 seconds into the video.  It's been a joy collaborating with her on this, and I even spent an evening making some visually arresting animated gifs to help with the PR campaign on social media outlets.  I created the looping animations in Flixel, Fantamorph and Motion Portrait.  I truly love learning new things.

Nicole Piar's Generosity Cat converted into a morphing Gif

Nicole Piar's Generosity Cat converted into a morphing Gif